Wifi (internet picture).
The project that is to be implemented by Blue Crane Communications Limited, which is an internet service provider, will provide broadband services at the five border posts across the country. These include Mutukula (Kyotera),Vurra(Arua),Malaba (Tororo),Elegu (Amuru) and Bunagana(Kisoro)
While launching the new project at the UCC head office on Wednesday, the Ag.Executive director, Irene Kaggwa Sewankambo, who was also flanked by the Director RCDF Nyombi Thembo, said that the project aims to provide connectivity in transit areas to facilitate business and support the fight against Covid-19.
The Blue Crane company has also noted that they will deliver a bandwidth capacity of 5Mbps per user at the selected sites.
The project is also meant t enable the members of the public that are beneficiaries of these areas, to have access to free and reliable internet connectivity. This is in line with the RCDF Phase III guidelines, that do prioritize broadband connectivity and access. This intervention is also supported by the National Broadband Policy, who seek to promote broadband coverage across the country.
The policy defines broadband for Uganda as robust connectivity that is affordable, reliable and delivers a minimum of 5Mbps to the user, for applications, content and services.
The border points have become the key target points by UCC/RCDF, for they are the areas that have been recognized to have communication needs and can be addressed through access to public Wi-Fi hot spots, as long as they own a Wi-Fi capable device.
In addition, it was also noted that Wi-Fi in such locations is more suitable and convenient for it doesn’t require a SIM card or even existence of a subscription relationship with a service provider.
This project is also aimed at increasing the number of ICT devices such as computer and smartphones in the areas at the border points, and also be able to encourage digital literacy hence reducing on the digital level divide.
With the existence of the Wi-Fi hot spots, the border points are expected to ease the doing of business through e-commerce and e-government services. This will enable a contribution to social economic transformation.
It is also believed that with the provision of free broadband service, there will be a spike in market demand among the local user population. This will then promote broadband services at the border point areas.
The commission is also able to contribute to the fight against COVID-19, through this project, by addressing the communication needs of people transiting through the border points. This is because some of them were identified by the Ministry of Health as hot spots in the fight against the pandemic.