
Journalism Practice & Declining Media Freedoms in Uganda

Media freedom in Uganda continues to decline, in comparison to the neighboring countries within the East African region and its previous rankings. Uganda is now ranked 132 out of 180 countries globally according the 2022 Global Press Index by Journalism watchdog – Reporters Without Borders. Uganda’s current position represents a drastic decline from 125 in 180 countries in 2019, with concerns for the right to freedom of expression in the country. Within the region, only Rwanda is ranked lower than …

Contextualizing efforts to address staff gaps within Uganda’s health sector

KAMPALA: The Daily Monitor recently reported that government, owing to financial constraints, is currently unable to address acute shortage of health workers in Uganda. The report quoting the Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Health, Dr. Diana Atwine, was published  just days before Hon. Amos Lugoloobi, Uganda’s State Minister for Planning, tabled to Parliament the annual budget estimates for the Financial Year 2022/23. This came at the height of public debate on reported funeral costs of the Late Rt. Hon. …

War reparation, truth telling & dialogue in Teso, Lango and Acholi Sub-regions

Ahead of the imminent launch of the repayment of war claimants in Acholi, Lango and Teso sub-regions by President Museveni on 26th March 2022 in Soroti, attention is being drawn towards conflict victims being at the centre of the nation building process in Uganda. Article 50(1) of the 1995 Constitution of Uganda as amended states that: any person who claims that a fundamental or other right or freedom guaranteed under this Constitution has been infringed or threatened, is entitled to …

Parliament’s failure to censure Jim Muhwezi and the implications on MP independence

In the wake of multiple  accounts of torture, while in State custody, by survivors including the dissident author Kakwenza Rukirabashaija, Opposition Members of Parliament led by the Leader of the Opposition, Hon. Mathias Mpuuga saw it fit to censure the Security Minister, Hon. Jim Muhwezi. Specifically, Hon. Mpuuga cited the Minister’s inaction despite widespread reports of torture, some of which were tabled by Hon. Mpuuga in the Minister’s presence. Ultimately, the motion to censure the Minister failed as it lacked …

What the Public Records say about Capacity of Parliament to check illegal detention in Uganda

The recent account of Kakwenza Rukirabaishaija’s torture ordeal in State custody, has intensified public debate on whether illegal detention and torture in Uganda is institutionalized or rather isolated actions of some errant officers within the security forces. Kakwenza has written, tweeted and narrated his own experience with the security forces in Uganda. The author’s account is one of many testimonies by survivors of torture in Uganda, that casts doubt on the familiar claim that the government does not condone torture. …

Media Practice & Accountability for Torture in Parliament: Reflections on the 10th Parliament

On February 3 2022, a number of opposition legislators led by the Leader of the Opposition in Parliament, Hon. Mathias Mpuuga, walked out of the House. This was in protest of government inaction in response to evidence of torture by State actors. The Leader of the Opposition requested the Deputy Speaker Rt. Hon. Anitah Among to suspend the House until the government presents a statement on the plight of citizens in State detention and have experienced torture. These demands, from …