On a weekly basis, citizens engage online with an MP using the #AskYourMP Facebook live video chat. An MP is available to respond to citizen concerns at an agreed upon date and time. The conversation is a continuation of the discourse initiated on radio and TV and serves to keep citizen concerns prominent and current.
Wizarts collaborates with AFLI to provide up to date performance reviews of PARLIAMENT. Similarly, CSOs like Action Aid and CSBAG provide perspective on matters debated and use the opportunity to crowd source ideas and promote initiatives directly to the citizens on whose behalf they act. Facebook and Twitter are among the most popular websites in Uganda and therefore citizens especially the youth for whom MPs are inaccessible, have the opportunity to engage with their elected leaders and advocate on their own behalf. MPs benefit from hearing the voice of the people they represent and get a first-hand account of their most pressing concerns.
This serves to make MPs more accessible to their constituents and CSOs whose concerns subsequently inform the decisions they make in PARLIAMENT. The rationale for this particular intervention is premised on social media’s growing influence on the mainstream media narrative.